Lake Road Animal Hospital uses an app called VitusVet to store our patients’ medical information, including veterinarian’s notes, lab results, and digital images like radiographs (x-rays.)

Did you know that you can download the Vitus Vet app too?  It’s free (we love free!), and the app gives you complete access to your pet’s medical information.

This is a great thing to have for lots of reasons!  But perhaps most important, access to your pet’s records in an emergency – or when visiting a different vet while on vacation, for example – may eliminate the need to run duplicate tests, saving you precious time and money.  It also means that a different vet will have a complete picture of your pet’s health status – including potentially life-saving information about drug allergies or previous diagnoses, which a scared, tired pet parent can easily forget to mention in the midst of an emergency.

All of this critical information is available to any treating veterinarian through the VitusVet app, eliminating the need to call or fax your primary vet, who may not be available if it’s the middle of the night, or in a different time zone.

As wonderful as this is, there’s much more that the VitusVet app can do to make your life as a pet parent easier!  You can request an appointment or a medication refill anytime using VitusVet, so you don’t have to remember to call the hospital during our business hours.

You can enter the due dates for any of your pet’s medications or flea,tick and heartworm preventatives, and the VitusVet app allows you to set reminders for medications so you’ll get a notification when it’s time to give them.  You’ll never forget a monthly dose again with VitusVet to conveniently remind you to cross this off your list!

When you’ve scheduled a vet visit for your pet, or it’s time for a wellness exam to boost vaccines or test for parasites, the VitusVet app will send you a notification or a text message (your choice) to alert you to your upcoming appointment.

Finally, you know what a chore it can be to write out care instructions for pet sitters or the boarding kennel, if you’re not taking your pet along on a trip.  Especially if your pet is on medications or a special diet, it can be hard to remember everything that needs to be communicated, and doesn’t it seem like every year you lose the instructions you wrote down the year before?!

The VitusVet app makes it super easy to record all the care instructions for your pet (or multiple pets – you can add more than one pet to the app) when you need them for your pet sitter or the boarding kennel here at Lake Road. You can input your notes at any time, easily edit them if needed, and even share them with friends and family members who are involved in your pet’s care.

Make pet parenting easier by getting the VitusVet app today!

The VitusVet app can be downloaded from the iTunes store or Google Play for Android devices.  

Click HERE to download VitusVet for Apple Devices.

Click HERE to download VitusVet for Android Devices.