Choosing the Right Shelter Animal

Choosing the Right Shelter Animal

Walking into an animal shelter will tug at your heartstrings. Most of us find ourselves wanting to leave the shelter with every dog and cat there. And, while it is commendable to provide a forever home for a dog or cat in need, it’s important to think with your head,...
Healthy Treats for Dogs

Healthy Treats for Dogs

While we’re often told to avoid giving our dogs human food, there are some human foods that make great treats for our canine companions. If you have any nutrition questions check out our Nutritional Counseling Page. Here are some of the healthiest options: Carrots —...
Cat Grooming

Cat Grooming

When it comes to grooming, most cat owners let their feline friends take care of that themselves. While cats can certainly be lower maintenance than dogs, they do still require some help with their hygiene. We offer many services at Lake Road Animal Hospital, one of...
Why You Need to Microchip Your Pets

Why You Need to Microchip Your Pets

Imagine if your dog or cat got lost. You’d want to give him or her the best chance of getting home. With microchipping, you can. Microchipping gives your pet a voice in telling people where their home is. Lake Road Animal Hospital highly recommends microchipping. Lost...